1.2 Who is responsible for the FAQ? The FAQ is written and maintained by Ben C. Steeves. Original mailing-list traffic archives, which provide the basis of much of the information in this FAQ, were provided by Alan Crandall. Unless otherwise stated, all questions and answers were written by Ben C. Steeves. In cases where this is _not_ true (ie, the question or answer was donated to the FAQ) the original contributor's name is presented. Any information not directly from Ben's experience has the contributing author's name in square brackets at the end of the paragraph. [Like This] Ben is responsible for editing contributions to the FAQ to increase their readability and clarity. Any errors introduced at this point are probably his. Ben attempts to verify any answer that appears in the FAQ. In cases where he is not 100% sure of the answer, a suitable note is presented. Currently, the FAQ is available in ASCII text, Amigaguide, HTML, and printed format. If you have any suggestions for other forms the FAQ should be available in, contact Ben. There is a German translation of the FAQ handled by Andreas Mas Marques. You can find out how to contact Andreas in Section 1.3. If you find errors in the German version, contact Andreas first. IF YOU SEE AN ERROR IN THE FAQ, CONTACT BEN IMMEDIATELY!!! See Section 1.3 for information on contacting Ben.